Artists sought to raise confidence in vaccine: Poster competition with cash prizes

A coalition of artists, art councils and community leaders have organized a poster competition to raise confidence in the COVID-19 vaccine, specifically engaging with ethnic and cultural minority communities.
East End Arts is one of the organizations participating in the “Shot to Reunite,” which is offering $1,750 in prizes for artists who assist “in this historic public health effort to inspire those with hesitation to get their shot. It is our beacon of hope.”
Artists across Long Island are encouraged to submit “creative, culturally resonant works to be used in an island-wide public health awareness campaign.”
The deadline to submit is May 17. More information on how to submit is available online at
“We believe that the creativity expressed by artists has the potential to add urgency and clarity to public health messaging and address vaccine hesitancy in ways that traditional communications cannot,” the announcement said.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo has announced that vaccine eligibility would open to anyone age 16 or older beginning April 6.
The selected artworks from the competition will be displayed in communities across Long Island. The artwork can be in any media, including drawing, illustration, collage, painting, cartoons, photographs and graphic and digital imagery.
The artwork should be delivered in formats suitable for sharing in both digital and physical environments. The artwork should command attention and convey a clear message and the organizers encourage artists to design work that can be engaging and accessible to speakers of languages other than English. No text should be included in submissions.
Other participating organizations include Long Island Arts Alliance, Patchogue Arts Council, LI Main Street Alliance and others.
The arts community has been hit particularly hard by the ongoing pandemic.
“Hundreds of jobs in this sector have been furloughed and doors to our cultural institution have been shuttered,” the announcement said.
A review committee with leaders in the arts and culture sector, as well as public health, public art and community representatives will evaluate the artwork and five prizes of $350 will be awarded to selected artists. Winners will be notified by June 7.