New National Honor Society members inducted
The Shelter Island School’s newest National Honor Society members were treated to a special celebratory dinner on Wednesday, Jan. 25 at the Ram’s Head Inn, continuing a tradition hosted by the Eklund family when they owned the Inn.
Thirty guests, including family, teachers and friends, joined in the celebration. The NHS officers, Hayden Rylott, president; Andrea Napoles, vice-president; Leonardo Dougherty, secretary; and Sophie Clark, treasurer, presented the four newest candidates for membership: Johanna Kaasik, Robert Beckwith, Jaxson Rylott and Nathan Cronin.
During the ceremony, the officers reviewed the four pillars underlying the society’s qualifications. Although often considered a mark of academic achievement, there are actually four ideals that are stressed as being essential for this honor to be bestowed. These are Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Character.
No student is inducted simply because of a high academic average. “We strive to recognize the whole student,” said adviser Janine Mahoney.
NHS members, once inducted, are expected not to rest on their laurels, but continue developing these ideal attributes through active involvement in school and community activities.
“Many have chosen to take this challenge a step further and have created their own service projects to benefit local, regional and global causes,” Ms. Mahoney said.
The National Honor Society was established in 1921.
There are chapters in many U.S. territories, Canada, and all 50 states. When the Island’s students join the NHS, they are joining forces with 15,000 chapters nationwide.