12.07.2017 Around the Island What’s Happening: December 7, 2017 TREE LIGHTING AT THE CHEQUIT On Saturday, December 9, The Chequit hosts a Christmas tree lighting to benefit the Shelter Island Historical Society. The event runs from 4 to 6...
11.22.2017 Around the Island What’s Happening: November 22, 2017 TAKE THE PLUNGE! A plunge into the frigid waters of the bay in support of the public library has become a Thanksgiving weekend tradition here. The 8th annual Turkey...
11.16.2017 Around the Island What’s Happening: November 16, 2017 SIEF GRANTS CELEBRATION All Islanders are welcome to join board members of the Shelter Island Educational Foundation (SIEF) and grant recipients at the Grants Celebration on Sunday, November 19...