07.24.2019 Around the Island Owls, eagle sighting at library A program took flight last week under the tent at the Shelter Island Library as an expert from the Quogue Wildlife Refuge brought birds of prey here. Despite soaring...
06.06.2019 Columns Richard’s Almanac: For the birds As I sat soaking up the sun last week at Shell Beach, I heard some rustling around the wrapping on my sandwich. Some small pooch was trying to have...
05.09.2019 Around the Island What’s happening around the Island Activities and events on Shelter Island.
07.28.2012 Around the Island Island birder: Female hummingbirds hang around, males send signal of change Shelter Island birder and photographer Don Bindler of Silver Beach sent in this photo of a female hummingbird feeding in a Silver Beach garden. He said the males already...