12.17.2019 News KidsNeedMoRE benefits Riverhead family KidsNeedMoRE will be delivering toys to a Riverhead family with a child who is coping with cancer. The organization sponsoring Camp Adventure — previously operating on Shelter Island before...
04.16.2019 Around the Island KidsNeedMoRE still in Islanders’ hearts Camp Adventure won’t be holding its August summer program at Camp Quinipet this summer, but thanks to former Shelter Island Fire Chief John D’Amato, one important event will carry...
11.20.2018 Around the Island ‘Campsgiving’ returns to Island, but not Quinipet While Thanksgiving is a day for families and friends to unite and count their blessings, for some it’s the start of a holiday period in which they long for...
08.20.2018 News Camp Adventure remembers . . . Hugs and tears help to sustain hope Cancer knows no age, gender, color, religion or body type. But for those stricken, yet fortunate enough to become part of the Camp Adventure family sponsored by the nonprofit...
08.07.2018 Around the Island Camp Adventure returns to Quinipet Sunday Angie was 9 last summer, suffering from cancer, when thanks to volunteer pilots from Patient Airlift Services, she and two sisters, Jazmin and Analia, were flown to East Hampton...