12.03.2011 Around the Island Seniors: December senior activity calendar Cinema 114: Two movies this month: Wednesdays, December 14 and 28. See previews in “Island Seniors” on December 8. Dinner Bell: Luncheon and social hour every Monday and Friday...
11.01.2011 Around the Island Seniors: November senior activity calendar AARP Defensive Driving Course: The Office of Senior Services will sponsor the course on Monday, November 7 and Tuesday, November 8 at the Senior Activity Center. Registration is a...
10.05.2011 Around the Island Seniors: October 2011 calendar of senior activities Cinema 114: Two movies this month. The first was yesterday, Wednesday, October 5. The next, “High Noon,” is scheduled for Wednesday, October 19 at the Senior Activity Center at...
04.27.2011 Lifestyle Seniors: May calendar of senior activities AARP Driver Safety Course: Monday, May 2 and Tuesday, May 3, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Senior Activity Center. AARP members pay $12; non-members, $14. Call the...
02.23.2011 Lifestyle Seniors: Calendar of March senior activities AARP Tax Aide: Free tax assistance at the Shelter Island Public Library, Mondays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. through April 11. Appointments must be scheduled in advance. Call...