11.19.2019 Real Estate ZBA rejects one application, approves a second A couple who came to the Zoning Board of Appeals in October with pictures of their property, including what all acknowledged is a spectacular garden, won’t get the variances...
10.03.2019 News Pridwin Phase 1 poised for approval by ZBA If last week’s Zoning Board of Appeals meeting is any indication, agreement from Pridwin owners Glenn and Gregg Petry to reroute traffic, buffer noise and lights could result in...
09.18.2018 News The road to an upgraded septic system: First recipient of grant recounts the process The first Islander to receive a check from the town for a nitrogen-reducing septic system is real estate professional Susan Cincotta for her Midway Road residence. Ms. Cincotta has...
08.28.2018 News Neighbors squabble over accessory building access It’s been a busy summer for the Zoning Board of Appeals with hearings on some controversial applications that were raised nearly two months ago.
03.28.2017 News ZBA okays variances for porch and deck The Zoning Board of Appeals made short work in approving variances for Heights resident James Welch to make changes to his property at 2 Sylvan Place.