05.24.2018 Columns Codger column: Godspeed Codger is not religious, but since the era of Pastor Bill he has regarded the Presbyterian Church as a moral center of the Island, a house of good works....
01.06.2017 Island Profiles Island profile: Loren Reich, Living the ‘Shelter Island way’ Loren Reich was a well-paid, internationally-traveling executive based in Manhattan, when she decided she was ready to move to the Island full-time in 2005, after years of coming out...
10.22.2016 Columns Column: About those fly-by-night visitors Even if you have been utterly hardened by life, the approach to Shelter Island by boat feels like a voyage to paradise. Its beauty is obvious and when you...
03.21.2016 Letters Shelter Island Reporter Letters to the Editor Perceived problem To the Editor: The recent article on affordable housing (“What Shelter Island’s future can afford,” March 3) was well written and timely. However, it was rife with...
03.12.2016 Columns Codger column: All’s fair As usual, Codger did not score a skateboard or a pedicure at the Hannabury Fair last Saturday, although he did fill up on the cookies he had thought about...