Around the Island

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Editorial: On Errors

Those who speak generally have an easier time of it than those who write. … Newspapers have a rough time of it. There is no denying what appears in print … Newspapers will probably always make mistakes but we don’t know of any which do so on purpose. Even the “frankfursters” and the “gurkey sandwiches” (from last week’s school cafeteria menu) slipped by in the rush to get election results into print …  ovember 18 1961


Village ‘spec’ house ban shot down

The Village of Dering Harbor’s controversial ban on the construction of ‘spec’ houses was declared unconstitutional by the state Supreme Court. Justice James A. Gowan said … that the section in the village’s zoning ordinance, which requires a building permit applicant to provide proof that a dwelling will be built for his/her own personal use and “not for speculative resale,” violates zoning classifications since it seeks to regulate the user and not the use of real property.  ovember 20, 1986


350th Anniversary

Conklin’s Dock by Waldo Kraemer

Conklin’s Dock is a cherished memory. It took me at least a month to discover it and ingratiate myself with “Benjie” Conklin, its builder. I have always understood that he had been a steward on a Cunarder. He was not tall but very wiry, wore steel-rimmed glasses and was very trim. He ran a taut ship. A kindly man, stern on occasion, but he allowed no nonsense. He liked children but you had to behave. No swearing or bad language was tolerated from anyone, young or old.  ovember 15, 2001