
Ruig wants three Ram Island Road lots to be considered two

Ruig Partners LLC is asking the Shelter Island Zoning Board of Appeals to consider a change in paperwork that would allow for three lots they own on Ram Island Road to be considered just two lots.

One of the three lots has a conservation easement through Peconic Land Trust, but property owner Pieter Ruig would like for the other two lots to be considered one lot.

“We’re just trying to formalize this thing,” Mr. Ruig told the Zoning Board Wednesday night, explaining that for estate purposes, it would preferable if the property outside of the easement were combined.

Mr. Ruig is a ZBA member, but recused himself from the board for the purpose of the discussion on his property.

Peconic Land Trust paralegal Kim Quarty told the ZBA that the Planning Board referred the matter to them because combining the two lots would require area variances.

The alternative to achieve the same end would be to relocate existing structures on the land, Mr. Ruig said. Getting the area variances would result in virtually no changes to the layout, but simplify his receiving two tax bills instead of three for the land.

ZBA chairman Doug Matz said the need appears clear to him, but he just wants time to review the decision that originally split the lots into three pieces when the conservation easement was granted.

For a full ZBA story, see the Feb. 2 issue of the Shelter Island Reporter.

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