02.14.2022 Around the Island Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, 2022 So today is Valentine’s Day. A day that our culture has told us is about love and hearts and Cupid and chocolates and other gifts for those we love.
04.17.2021 News Dealing with dementia in the age of COVID-19 Dealing with dementia, whether it’s the result of Alzheimer’s or another cause, is enough of a challenge in ordinary times. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the challenge is even greater...
07.28.2019 Around the Island Richard’s Almanac: On the road again From one resort community to another. That’s the way I would describe my last weekend.
06.21.2019 Around the Island Richard’s Almanac: Worth a shot The first dose of the shingles vaccine was administered last Wednesday at the Senior Center with 59 injections given.
12.13.2018 Columns Richard’s Almanac: Forget apples — Brazil nuts keep the doctor away I found some interesting nuggets in the most recent AARP webletter that I figured were worthwhile to pass along. After all, we’re always interested in ways we can ensure...