12.20.2019 News Transfer tax could raise $$ for affordable housing If Gov. Andrew Cuomo signs legislation creating an affordable housing component to the Community Preservation Fund, residents of the five East End towns would see a resolution on the...
12.04.2019 Government Residents question Board on Med Center agreement Two residents Tuesday raised issues with Town Board members about the handling of the Medical Center deal with Stony Brook.
11.05.2019 Opinion The Reporter’s endorsements for Election 2019 Gary Gerth for supervisor Two fine public servants are vying for the job of supervisor on Tuesday. Democrat Gerry Siller, a local businessman, former town supervisor and former member...
11.01.2019 Columns Codger’s Column: Perfect Island Of all Town Councilman Paul Shepherd’s gnomic sayings, Codger’s favorite is this: “When people describe the Shelter Island that should be, it is usually the Shelter Island they saw...
08.14.2019 Government Town Board Report: Properties without certificates of occupancy discussed The Town Board is working to bring into compliance an undisclosed number of projects that were completed without receiving certificates of occupancy (CO).