04.18.2019 Around the Island Scouts host Pinewood Derby On Saturday, March 16, the Shelter Island Cub Scouts held their annual Pinewood Derby and the Shelter Island Girl Scouts were invited to run their own race. All of...
04.04.2019 Around the Island A giving Girl Scout Island Girl Scout Brownie Makayla Cronin gifted Girl Scout cookies to seniors enjoying their lunch at the Shelter Island Presbyterian Church on Friday, March 22. This is the third...
03.16.2018 Around the Island Pinewood derby: It’s all downhill from here Saturday, March 10 was the running of the annual Pinewood Derby on Shelter Island sponsored by Cub Scout Pack 56 and held at the American Legion Hall. This year,...
11.13.2017 Around the Island An Island Veterans Day A large crowd gathered near the flagpole in front of American Legion Mitchell Post 281 last Saturday in the Center to honor all those who have served in the...
03.03.2017 News VIDEO: Shelter Island Reporter Person of the Year Janine Mahoney Not surprisingly, great teachers have generally had great teachers of their own — those who inspired them to pursue a career in education. That’s the case for the Reporter’s...