12.07.2017 Around the Island Holiday happenings around the Island The Shelter Island Historical Society’s Holiday Open House was December 3 in the Havens Barn. In addition to Santa’s Workshop, there were pictures with Santa, holiday gift workshops, an...
11.22.2017 Around the Island Weekly Calendar: November 23 — December 2, 2017 EVENTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23 Community Potluck Thanksgiving Dinner, Presbyterian Church, 2 p.m. 749-5092. Everyone welcome. Bring a dish to share.
06.15.2017 Around the Island Weekly Calendar: June 15 — June 24, 2017 EVENTS THURSDAY, JUNE 15 Ferry writers, join in writing exercises with supportive group. 5 p.m., library. (631) 749-0042. Chamber music master class, with Roger Tapping. 7 p.m., Clark Arts...
04.19.2017 Around the Island Shelter Island Friends of Music: Violinist Eric Silberger in concert In the next concert of the Shelter Island Friends of Music’s 40th season, the young, but already renowned, violinist Eric Silberger will return to the Island for a recital...
10.12.2016 Around the Island Tessa Lark concludes 2016 Friends of Music season The sixth and final concert of the Shelter Island Friends of Music season ended the series on an exceptionally high note. Violinist Tessa Lark, accompanied by her brilliant pianist,...