01.25.2019 Columns Gimme Shelter: Who dat? It was called The Pleasure Lounge, a sophisticated name for a 19th century barn behind a house off North Ferry Road. The venue was better suited to house...
11.22.2017 Around the Island What’s Happening: November 22, 2017 TAKE THE PLUNGE! A plunge into the frigid waters of the bay in support of the public library has become a Thanksgiving weekend tradition here. The 8th annual Turkey...
07.18.2016 Around the Island New Orleans jazz in the great outdoors Joe Lauro is a man inspired by music. He’s also driven to share it with others. Before selling his Shelter Island home and moving to Sag Harbor a...
09.12.2014 News Shelter Island Beach Blast hits the road An Island institution has gone south. The annual Island Beach Blast, which rocked Wades Beach for almost 30 Septembers, is now being hosted by Sag Harbor.
08.30.2013 Around the Island Island Profile: Man of many musical parts, Joe Lauro Ever since he was a kid growing up in Brooklyn and later Massapequa, Joe Lauro has marched to the tune of a different drummer. What kid in the 1960s...