09.27.2018 Around the Island Belgian piano and violin virtuosos to perform The final concert of the Shelter Island Friends of Music 2018 Season of Virtuosos will be held in the Presbyterian Church at 3 p.m. on Sunday, October 7.
09.20.2018 Around the Island What’s happening: September 20, 2018 A weekly round-up of events and activities on Shelter Island.
03.03.2018 Around the Island SI Friends of Music welcomes Perlman alumni Sean Lee is an astonishing young violinist. Peter Dugan is an astounding young pianist. Together, they opened the 41st season of the Shelter Island Friends of Music with an...
02.08.2018 Around the Island What’s Happening: February 8, 2018 NEXT CELEBRITY CHEF The next Celebrity Chef dinner at the Shelter Island Presbyterian Church will feature guest chef Michelle Beckwith. The dinner will be Thursday, February 15 at 6...