03.30.2019 Around the Island Gardening with Galligan: Spring has sprung! And so, my fellow Islanders, we find ourselves together once again, in another spring and another year. And although it’s still quite cold, there’s warmth in the sun and...
06.12.2015 Columns Gardening with Galligan: Buying plants and keeping them beautiful This is the time when many of us are buying plants — for planting in window boxes or for pleasure on tables or stairs, on porches and decks. I...
05.15.2015 Columns Gardening with Galligan: For color, plant tulips Want more bang for the buck? Think tulips. There is no easier, better source of color for your garden.
07.22.2014 Columns Gardening with Galligan: Mainstays of summer When I had a garden that was in full sun, I always gave a party on the third weekend in July, because that was when everything was in full...
05.16.2014 Columns Gardening with Galligan: The lipstick of the garden They’re called that for a reason — if you’re into color, tulips are the bang for the buck!