
Seniors: To life!

BEVERLEA WALZ PHOTO | Silver Circle members and friends lift their glasses ‘to life.’

There’s a certain symbolism to the date of the Silver Circle’s annual holiday party — the first Wednesday of a new year.

This year it was January 5, and club members, most of whom are in their mid- to late-80s and 90s, joined staff, family and friends of the program to a toast to life. What could be sweeter?

Friends of the Silver Circle, a social and activity program for older Island seniors, included Town Supervisor Jim Dougherty; Town Council members Christine Lewis and Peter Reich; Highway Superintendent Mark Ketcham; Senior Citizens Foundation President Sy Weissman and foundation board members Ida Marie Bottone, Ruth Staehle, Diane Anderson and Mimi Brennan (Diane and Mimi are also program volunteers); Bob Costanza, president and CEO of “Be Safe at Home,” who is a regular monthly visitor and discussion leader at the circle; SCAC members Karin Bennett, Dana Hallman, Janet Rescigno (accompanied by husband Bob, a man of many hats in our community); and Henrietta Roberts.

The party was basically a catered affair funded by the foundation. However Karin Bennett donated a homemade zesty chickpea salad, Jeanne and Ken Woods the ingredients of a tart and tangy punch and Dana Hallman the “celebration” cakes.

The program, planned by Director Lois Charls, opened with greetings from Supervisor Dougherty, followed by a round-robin of self-introductions by club members, a poignant reading by club sweethearts Louise “Mom” Green Sr. and Jean Tuthill, and closing with Pastor Tom Charls’ reflections on the new year’s challenges and a rousing a cappella rendition of “Auld Lang Syne.”

By the time photographer Bev Walz arrived for the group photo, everyone was ready to lift a glass in a toast to old acquaintances ne’er forgotten, to the cup of kindness — and respect — which overflows at the weekly club meetings, and to life.