
Seniors: Corned beef, cabbage and song

BEVERLEA WALZ PHOTO | Gladys and Julius Manchise led the group in an Irish sing-along.

“It was a very successful day,” declared Charlotte Hannabury in a phone interview early Monday morning. She was, of course, speaking of SISCA’s St. Patrick’s Day celebration luncheon on Wednesday, March 16 in Fellowship Hall.

Charlotte is co-chair of the Program Committee with Ceil Kraus. “There were more than 40 members on board for the celebration, some new faces, and the corned beef and cabbage prepared by President Emily Hallman and her daughter Dana was delicious,” she said.

Emily herself mentioned a few of the many outstanding side dishes prepared by the membership: Irish soda bread from Ceil and Gladys Manchise; an English trifle from Gert Bourne; and from Gladys Brigham, one of the new members, an angel food cake, which sported an Irish hat as part of its decoration.

The ebullient Julius Manchise led the SISCA sing-along using a “boom box” set up by wife Gladys for his accompaniment. He blended 10 or more jokes with his medley of songs. An abbreviated sample follows. Msgr. Hennessey stops by the O’Hanrahans whom he had married five  years ago. “Any wee ones?” he queries. “No ? Well, I’m going to Rome to light a candle for you.” Five years and eight children later, he returns. “And where is himself?” “He’s gone to Rome to blow out the candle,” she says.

SISCA’s next gathering on Wednesday, April 20 will lead off with a “gift auction” followed by Zingo. Do mark the date on your calendar.