Shelter Island students sojourn in Spain

Thanks to a generous grant from the Shelter Island Educational Foundation, assistance from the Lions Club and a great amount of fundraising, earlier this month, 10 Shelter Island students (and their chaperones) traveled to Cádiz, Spain where they spent 10 days living with host families in this coastal Atlantic city.

After attending school daily, the group explored old Cádiz — thought to be the oldest city in Western Europe. They toured on bicycle, learned flamenco, explored Phonecian ruins, dined on tapas, cooked paella, surfed, and mastered the use of public transportation.
Two day-trips to the British territory of Gibraltar and the city of Sevilla were highlights. From Gibraltar, students were able to see the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and the continent of Africa, all from one view. In Sevilla, the group visited the site of the creation of the first world map and the cathedral holding the remains of Christopher Columbus.
After 10 wonderful days, the students sadly said adiós to their host families and returned home, a little better at Spanish, a little more independent, and ready to take on the world.