Well water levels remain stable for October
The October water level well readings have been released showing a continued increase in levels as is typical of this time of year when the aquifer is recharged.
Readings for the past three months generally increased, according to Water Advisory Committee member Greg Toner, who crunches the numbers provided by the United States Geological Survey.
Median levels are not very variable, Mr. Toner said. The big four wells — Manhansett,Manwaring, Congdon and Goat Hill — all showed a drop in October, but it is slight by an average of one-tenth of a foot, Mr. Toner said.
One reality the Water Advisory Committee has demonstrated is that although there have been periods of drought conditions when residents and operators of commercial establishments were asked to voluntarily conserve water, it has not been so critical as to entertain alternatives to the well water system on the Island.
But what continues to get serious attention is water quality studies vital to assuring the supply is potable and that’s why there has been so much attention to replacing aged cesspools and conventional septic systems with nitrogen-reducing systems.