Featured Story

What is that? Sept. 16, 2023

If you know, let us know. Send your responses to [email protected] or phone 631-275-1859.

Last week’s photo (see below) was correctly identified by Tom Speeches, who took one look and emailed us: “The photo is the boulder at Volunteer Park on Bridge Street. Funny to think that area used to be my dentist’s office and the La Terrace restaurant and a real estate office. The best use of the park is now, and it’s beautifully done.”

(Credit: Ambrose Clancy)

Maximilian Pelletier also recognized it right away, responding on our Facebook page. Max knows his Island as well as anyone.

A plaque on the boulder reads: “Dedicated to the many community-spirited volunteers who have made this town a special place — May 2009.”