09.08.2017 News Seniors navigating — and surviving the healthcare system On a recent weekday morning, a gathering of Island seniors made their way to the Shelter Island Senior Activity Center on South Ferry Road for the weekly Silver Circle...
09.01.2017 Sports Sisters prepare for 2020 Olympics In about three years, Islanders might see two of their own in the Olympic games.
08.31.2017 Around the Island KidStuff: August 31, 2017 A beloved event and fundraiser marking Shelter Island’s transition from summer to fall, the 2017 Snapper Derby will be held Saturday, September 2 at 5 p.m. at the Shelter...
08.24.2017 Around the Island Kid Stuff: August 24, 2017 Interested in the beauty and life of butterflies? Mashomack Preserve invites you to another exciting Young Naturalists program, Journey of a Butterfly, on Friday, August 25 from 10:30 a.m....
08.15.2017 Lifestyle A studio visit with a Shelter Island sculptor The earth-like scent of clay and fresh paint greets visitors in sculptor Jerry Glassberg’s studio. The large, open space is awash with sunshine filtering into the room through several...