08.03.2019 Columns Suffolk Closeup: Energy is blowin’ in the wind “We are witnessing a tipping point in energy history and today’s commitment to large-scale investment in offshore wind power proves that New York walks the walk of powering our...
12.30.2017 Columns Suffolk closeup: Top stories in the county for 2017 As 2017 comes to an end, three major events stand out this pastyear in Suffolk County: the election results of last month, the indictment of long-time Suffolk District Attorney...
10.28.2017 Columns Suffolk Closeup: A boat ride into the future “On a clear day, you can see the future,” is the heading of a full-page Citibank ad that’s been running in major magazines featuring a color photo of the...
02.02.2017 Letters Shelter Island Reporter Letters to the Editor Where are we going? To the Editor: I read with great interest the recent online piece on the Island school being “susceptible to fiscal stress.”
01.10.2017 Columns Suffolk Closeup: Beyond the blue horizon Will 2017 be a big year for offshore wind energy in this area?