07.01.2023 Sports A mystery solved at Shelter Island Yacht Club Thursday, June 22, was mystery night at the Shelter Island Yacht Club (SIYC). No, not the usual Agatha Christie who-done-it reenactment, but something even more intriguing. How did the...
06.29.2022 Columns Afloat: Shelter Island Yacht Club hosts world-class competition On Thursday, June 23, across Gardiners Bay, a clearing east wind blew in a dazzlingly clear bright day. Caribbean-style clouds flew across the sky. Sailors from around the world...
06.09.2022 Lifestyle Afloat: Sailing for all at the Shelter Island Yacht Club Of interest to all Islanders who sail, or are considering having their children learn to sail, are the Shelter Island Yacht Club’s (SIYC) racing activities and junior sailing program....
07.03.2021 Sports Afloat: The green way around the Island On Saturday, June 26, the Shelter Island Yacht Club (SIYC) was sponsor to an around-the-Island race for Etchells and Sonars. Architecturally, both boats would be called mid-century design. The...