12.17.2024 Environment Temperature drop spikes cold-stun sea turtles on Shelter Island and East End One in a week is a bit out of the ordinary. But two in one week is “highly unusual.” So said Shelter Island Animal Control Officer Jenny Zahler, who...
11.17.2023 Environment Hotline saves cold-stunned sea turtles The Cold Stun Patrol Team of Riverhead’s New York Marine Rescue Center will soon begin patrolling local beaches in search of cold-stunned sea turtles. More than 200 volunteers will walk shorelines...
07.15.2023 News New York Marine Rescue Center releases gray seal pup after 10 weeks of rehab While stunning views of sunsets and ocean waves are typically what draw beachgoers to the seaside, on Wednesday night a large crowd gathered at Tiana Beach in Hampton Bays...
07.12.2023 News Multiple turtles found dead on Southold beach Turtles are having more than a moment in 2023. This could be called The Summer of the Turtle. Turtle crossing signs warning drivers of the slow-moving creatures in roadways...
08.14.2022 Lifestyle Rescued turtle recovers, returned to sea If finding an endangered turtle on Wade’s Beach last December felt like an early Christmas present for Islander Hilary McDonald, knowing the turtle she found on Wade’s Beach last...