


The PTSA’s annual Breakfast with Santa will be held inFellowship Hall at the Presbyterian Church on Saturday, December 12from 8 to 11 a.m. Scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, juiceand coffee will be served up. Admission – which includes a photowith Santa – costs $10 for adults, $5 for children and a family(two adults) maximum of $30.


Mulled cider, eggnog and the good cheer of the season are theperfect complement to the Manor House’s festive decorations. Joinin the holiday spirit on Saturday, December 12 from 2 to 5 p.m. atMashomack’s 24th annual event. Participants will sing carols andtour Mashomack’s 19th century Victorian mansion, all decked out inher holiday greens. No reservations are required. For moreinformation, call 749-1001.


Two school fundraisers provide an opportunity for holidayshopping and cash to go with it. The Class of 2011 and Gems &Roses will host a jewelry and accessories boutique on Friday,December 4 from 3 to 8 p.m. in the main lobby. The vendor, who hasbeen coming to the school for several years, will donate 10 percentof all purchases to the senior class.

On the same day, from 5 to 8 p.m., A & D Gold & SilverBuyers will purchase Islanders’ unwanted gold and silver for cash;10 percent of the purchases will benefit the Class of 2014.


The “Harbor Bells,” an English handbell choir, will perform aChristmas concert on Saturday, December 5 at 4 p.m. at the ShelterIsland Presbyterian Church, Route 114, Shelter Island. A free-willoffering and food pantry donations are welcome. This concert wasoriginally scheduled for December 6.


Farmers, herders and fishermen sing while they till fields,handle livestock and catch fish in a 30-minute film that will beshown at Sylvester Manor on Saturday, December 5 at 2 p.m.

The short was recorded and assembled by Bennett Konesni, stewardof Sylvester Manor, during his Watson Fellowship year abroad in2005. A Q & A with the filmmaker will follow the program. Theprogram is free and all members of the community are welcome toattend.


The Shelter Island Historical Society is hosting an open houseon Saturday, December 12 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Every room will bedecorated in the style of Christmases past, and mulled cider, wineand cookies will be available along the way. The open housecoincides with hours when the Havens Store will also be open.


The Shelter Island Library’s Family MovieMatinée on Saturday, December 5 at 1 p.m.will feature the Disney-Pixar animated film, “Up” – a comedyadventure about a 78-year-old man who ties balloons to his houseand flies away with an 8-year-old stowaway. This film is rated PG.Call 749-0042 to reserve a seat.


The monthly seminar series, “Place & Possibility,” continuesat Sylvester Manor on Sunday, December 6 at 3 p.m. For writers,artists and other creative types, the series “will explore theconnections between place and creativity, image and language, foodand conscience,” among others.

The seminars are free and are led by Brad Davis, a poet with anMFA from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. If attending for thefirst time, drop Brad a note to let him know to look for you [email protected].


American Legion Mitchell Post 281 and legionnaire Fred Ogar willhost a ham dinner at 6 p.m. on Monday, December 7 at AmericanLegion Hall to commemorate Pearl Harbor. The cost is $15; call749-1180 for reservations.



Nick and Julia Labrozzi will be appearing this weekend in aproduction of “The Nutcracker,” presented by the Conservatory ofDanse Arts with the New York Dance Ensemble at Southampton HighSchool. Julia is cast in the lead role of Clara at Friday’s 7 p.m.performance. Showtime on Saturday is also 7 p.m., 2 p.m. on Sunday.Tickets are $10, children under 12, $8.


Temple Adas Israel in Sag Harbor will celebrate Hanukkah thisyear with the lighting of the large menorah at Long Wharf onFriday, December 11 at 5 p.m., followed by the Temple’sShabbat/Hanukkah service at 5:45 p.m.

There will be plenty of homemade latkes and soufganiot (jellydonuts), as well as Hanukkah stories, songs and dreidel games. Thecommunity is invited. There is no charge for this child-centeredevent.


Meet Santa at the Railroad Museum of Long Island’s 17th annualHoliday Party on Saturday and Sunday, December 5 and 6. Santaarrives at the tracks at Fourth Street in Greenport at 12 noon.Admission is free.There will be beverages and cookies and pictureswith Santa at an additional cost. For more information, call765-2757.


The Group for the East End will sponsor an afternoon wildlifesearch along Dune Road in Hampton Bays on Sunday, December 6 from 2to 4:30 p.m. Participants are likely to encounter a variety ofwaterfowl, a handful of shorebirds, perhaps a few birds of prey anda harbor seal or two. Bring binoculars. For reservations or moreinformation contact Steve Biasetti at 765-6450, extension 205, oremail [email protected].


Come to Bay Street Theatre in Sag Harbor on Friday, December 4from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. for an evening of food, drink and friends.Raffles and silent auction items will be featured, includingartwork, spa treatments, vacations and more. The ticket cost is $40and includes house beer and wine and appetizers. Call the boxoffice to purchase tickets at 725-9500.


The First Presbyterian Church of Southampton will present the”Celtic Tenors” on Tuesday, December 8 at 7 p.m. in the SouthamptonHigh School auditorium, 141 Narrow Lane, Southampton. The “CelticTenors” have been described as combining vitality and variety withtheir unique voices, creating “a thoroughly uplifting experience.”Tickets cost $50 each or 10 for $450. For more information ortickets, call 587-3565.


The “Picture Show at Bay Street” presents classic films onweekend evenings. The weekend of December 4 and 5 will featureAlbert Finney films, with “Two for the Road” on Friday. Two for theRoad is a 1967 movie directed by Stanley Donen about the 12-yearrelationship between an architect (Albert Finney) and his wife(Audrey Hepburn). “Tom Jones” will be shown on Saturday, December5. Tickets cost $5. The doors open at 7:30 p.m. and both filmsstart at 8 p.m. The Picture Show will return in 2010 with an ElvisWeekend on January 8 and 9.