
Letters to the Editor: Week of January 27, 2011

Letters revisited

To the Editor:

Thank you for your fairness in printing Peter Waldner’s “Paw Print” of January 20. In my opinion, it shows quite clearly and humorously where your new policy regarding “malice” in letters to the editor might ultimately lead — to meaningless piffle.

As if this weren’t enough, along comes Roger McKeon with, in his words, “the simple criterion” “of “common decency.” That concept is so simple it has managed to elude precise definition by our learned Supreme Court justices in scores of obscenity cases dating back almost a hundred years.

Mr. McKeon’s charge that there was “widely shared revulsion” at Ms. Eisen’s letter — harshly criticizing Waldner’s alleged “Republican-bashing” — would seem to be “refudiated” by the sentiments of Louis Evangelista. Who knows how many similar unexpressed points of views he represents?

The “community value” Mr. McKeon seems most to ignore is the American tradition of tolerance for dissent and the protection of  the rights of those in the minority. If we deny Ms. Eisen’s right to be heard, no one of us can fairly assert that same right. I share Art Barnett’s belief that we can continue to trust the Reporter’s editorial staff to “give the First Amendment the benefit of the doubt.”

We are fortunate, for the present time, to have the letters pages in which to express the diverse opinions of our diverse people.

As corporate media giants like AOL target more and more community newspapers for online conversion, let us vigilantly protect our ever-tenuous access to the marketplace of ideas for all our people.

These ideas are not intended to provoke, nor are they “freewheeling.” They originate in the 18th century Enlightenment writings of Montesquieu, Diderot, Rousseau and Voltaire, with which I am certain Mr. McKeon is familiar. They are, in my opinion, best defended in modern times by the American Civil Liberties Union, of which I have been a proud and active member for more than 40 years.



To the Editor:

[Regarding Louis Evangelista’s January 20 letter] Might I suggest (with a little conceit but no malice) without fear of being ganged up on, that with possibly one of the highest concentrations of one dimensionals and some of the most narrowly one dimensional one dimensionals to be found anywhere, Shelter Island is ideally positioned to lead a national movement toward one dimensionalism that will make Sarah Palin and the Tea Party look like pikers!


Stick to new policy

To the Editor:

Some letters in the past two issues of the Reporter are disturbing to this longtime journalist. A few letter writers emphasize one point while overlooking another, equally important point. Indeed, individuals are entitled to their opinions, and are free to express them, including in Letters to the Editor. However, the Reporter is under no obligation to print hate mail, which is what that brief letter in the December 17 issue was.

You were correct, in stating your policy in your January 6 editorial, regarding letters going forward, to recognize that hate mail has no place in a community newspaper. Stick to your new policy, please, and Walter Schumann will cease to spin in his grave.


Extraordinary efforts

To the Editor:

Our family recently moved to Shelter Island and found ourselves in a situation that required us to rely on the kind and quick assistance of the residents of Shelter Island.

Our dog Daisy was hit by a car two days after we moved into our new home. “Hap” [Bowditch] arrived on the scene of the accident and called me immediately, finding the phone number on Daisy’s ID tag. He scooped Daisy up, got on the ferry and met me in Greenport, where I raced her to the North Fork Animal Hospital, where she is now recuperating from her injuries. With the hospital’s expert care, she is expected to make a complete recovery.

We can’t express enough thanks for the compassion and kindness of all involved: Hap, the extraordinary effort of the North Ferry captain and crew, the Shelter Island Police Department (we owe you a blanket!), Vanessa Faraone, the doctors and entire staff at North Fork Animal Hospital.

It was not the way we expected to be welcomed by Shelter Island, but we certainly feel the connection of this strong community, a place we are proud to call home.


Plowing appreciated

To the Editor:

On Sunday, January 9, I had to leave the Island early and it had been snowing all night. I was so thankful to find the roads cleared and sanded by 8 a.m. on a Sunday morning.

Whoever is in charge is doing a fine job and I am most grateful to them.