
Progress seen on repairs to Island's aging Legion Hall

GIANNA VOLPE PHOTO | American Legion Commander Mike Loriz points to aged roofing on the town-owned Legion Hall.

The American Legion Mitchell Post 281 is expected to gain some much needed attention this year as Town Board members, who approved a new boiler last year, are nearing revision of specs to put new roofing out to bid.

The town acquired the building from the Legionnaires in 2008, leasing back the space for Legion activities, but also using the  building as a center for youth and other community activities and taking responsibility for building maintenance.

Legionnaires were encouraging the town to be more proactive about renovations last fall. But given hard economic times in recent years, the town has been unable to put money into renovations until now.

It now appears the Legionnaires call has been heard and the town is taking steps to get the ball rolling.

Councilman Peter Reich outlined plans that are progressing toward installation of a new roof that could well include solar panels.

The roof job had been put out to bid last fall, but that was before it became likely that the roof would need resheeting, so new specs are having to be worked up to bids can be sought this winter, according to Mr. Reich.

A bulging foundation wall also had been an issue but the town’s consulting engineer has said there is no imminent danger of collapse, Supervisor Jim Dougherty has said. Stress sensors have been installed on the wall to record any movement.

For the full story on what’s happening with the Legion Hall, see the Jan. 12 Shelter Island Reporter.