
Letters to the Editor: Week of January 26, 2012

A win for everyone

To the Editor:

Having viewed the January 10 meeting of the Town Board on Channel 22 at which some support for solar installations for town buildings was expressed, I went ahead and made some additional preliminary contacts:

(1) All four solar contractors/installers recently spoken with were enthusiastic about offering mutual benefits if a “solar initiative” type package were to be developed as opposed to a random, “now-and-then” approach and were interested in making some adjustments to their rates/costs in return for the increased number of jobs/publicity that would be generated;

(2) At the four nearby banks, the local managers all indicated that their bank had some sort of “community outreach/benefit” program and would be willing to consider contributing back in some manner to support this type of community project (online research indicated numerous other corporate support possibilities, also grants, foundations, etc.);

(3) Two non-profit Long Island organizations that were contacted expressed an interest in sending a representative to provide information regarding planning/organizing of such an initiative, including how other towns have done similar programs, and how to get substantial community support and participation, as well as suggestions regarding all aspects of reducing/eliminating financing (e.g. guaranteed performance contract);

(4) Two nearby schools have recently installed solar (one without any out-of-budget costs, the other with a bond and grants);

(5) Every homeowner (several dozen, possibly 50, at this point) spoken with is in support of gathering more information that has the potential to bring solar to our town in a more cost-effective manner (a pastor, other non-profits, the school, and numerous businesses also expressed similar interest).

Properly researched and promoted, a Solar Initiative Program could be a truly multiple win-win situation for us as individuals, a town, a community, a nation, and last but not least, the planet.

Even if this takes a year to organize, and is gradually implemented over perhaps five years, it would be a truly distinctive and visionary accomplishment for us all to be proud of.

It is an admirable goal that could shine, solar-bright, into the future, emblematic of what hopefully will be a positive aspect of this 21st century; perhaps an inspiration for many, when the world could certainly use some encouraging developments.

Why not here on Shelter Island? We may be a small town but that doesn’t mean we can’t think big!


Shelter Island Town, Green Options Committee