Around the Island

New emergency room route announced for ELIH

Credit: Katharine Schroeder file
Credit: Katharine Schroeder file

Eastern Long Island Hospital is asking visitors to its emergency room to follow a new route. The hospital announced Thursday evening that effective immediately all non-ambulance  traffic to the emergency room should access the ER by traveling along the Townsend Creek side of the hospital.

Signage indicating the new route has been placed at the western driveway entrance on Manor Place, and the Atlantic Avenue and Manor Place intersection, a hospital spokesperson said.

“This change was made to resolve some of the confusion reported by patients seeking emergency care,”  hospital president and CEO Paul J. Connor III said in a statement. “The new route is intended to prevent the occasional parked car from blocking the ambulance bay and unintentionally restricting access to emergency vehicles.

“Ambulance access will remain, as it always has, at the east end of Manor Place.”

The new route brings cars directly to the walk-in emergency entrance where dedicated parking is available.  Additional interior campus signage, which includes painted arrows on the pavement and banners along Townsend Creek, will be installed to further assist traffic flow, the hospital said.