Shelter Island Reporter obituary: Paul Erich Mobius Jr.
Paul Erich Mobius Jr. passed away peacefully at 92 years old on Wednesday, Dec. 18 in his home on Shelter Island.
He was predeceased by his beloved wife, Dorothy in 2022, and his younger brother, Hans. He was the loving father of sons, Mark and Matthew; daughter-in-law, Amy; and four grandsons, Zachary (21) Luke (19), Max (15), and Miles (11).
He also leaves behind his youngest brother Mark; his sister-in-law, Janet; nephew, HJ; and his nieces, Pamela, Lisa, and Leslie.
The eldest son of German and Puerto Rican immigrants, Paul grew up in Bellmore, N.Y. and attended Mepham High School where he was a star wrestler and an excellent student.
He attended Cornell University and continued his education at the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point. He subsequently served as a frogman in the Navy’s Underwater Demolition Teams (UDTs).
In 1961, he and Dorothy moved to Shelter Island as owners and managers of The Pridwin hotel. Paul was committed to the residents and dedicated to the Town of Shelter Island. At various times he held positions as Town Justice, Town Councilman, and Planning Board Chair.
He sang in the Presbyterian Church Choir for more than 60 years and served in the Shelter Island Lions Club for 35 years, and on the Library Board of Trustees. Most recently he found great joy in crafting set pieces, whether modest or elaborate, for school plays and other Island productions.
Services will be held at the Presbyterian Church on Shelter Island on June 1, 2025.