Town Board: Dock permit application might be for seaplanes
An application for a dock permit, unanimously recommended for Town Board approval by the Waterways Management Advisory Council on November 7, appears designed for seaplane landings, according to WMAC Chairperson John Needham. Mr. Needham indicated at WMAC’s meeting that neighbors should be notified so they are not caught off guard by the activity. “Nobody likes surprises,” he said.
The dock is proposed for the residence of Andre Balazs at 33 Nostrand Parkway, WMAC members said. It would be 100 feet long with a 40-feet L at the offshore end.
Town Board liaison to the WMAC, Councilman Peter Reich, speculated that the dock might be used for seaplane landings. In an email, he commented, “I have never seen a dock, especially one in outside waters, drop down in height at the offshore end.”
He said that when he “saw that the pilings for the last 20 feet or so were cut down to the lower dock surface, coupled with the fact that Mr. Balazs is part owner of Sunset Beach where seaplanes were landing all summer, [it] made me realize why he wanted the low dock with no pilings.”
The lack of pilings on either end would enable wings to easily go over the dock, according to Mr. Reich.