Hearing set on cable provider
The Town Board has scheduled a public hearing on Monday, Sept. 16 on a proposed contract with Suffolk Cable of Shelter Island, Inc. to construct, operate and maintain a communications system on the Island.
If, after the hearing, the Town Board approves the franchise it would not limit the right to consider applications from other providers who would be subject to the same review and could be licensed to also operate in the town.
The company would be restricted from erecting any poles or underground conduits without the express permission of the Town Board. Any disturbance of roadways during installation would have to be undertaken in line with the Town Code.
A full draft of an agreement is posted on the Town website under the Records tab so the public has the opportunity to review the terms in preparation for any comments, positive or negative about the application.
Yacht Club dredge
A second public hearing scheduled for the Sept. 16 Town Board meeting comes from the Shelter Island Yacht Club seeking to perform a maintenance dredge in areas adjacent to the existing bulkhead. The proposal calls for removing approximately 95 cubic yards of sand, spoil to an upland site.