07.29.2024 Around the Island Charity’s Column: Learning to drive I’ve had a driver’s license since I was 16, and I still remember the incredible feeling of freedom that came with it. No longer dependent on other people to...
07.16.2024 Around the Island Joanne Sherman: Ferry tales – the blame game “You know you’re from Shelter Island if … you’ve ever muttered the words, “Darn that ferry!” But do you know who first said them? Me neither; however, according to...
07.14.2024 Around the Island Got your ticket punched? Ferry’s setting sail: Shelter Island community musical opens Thursday night An island on an island, whose residents come to life for four nights. A mirror on a time in Shelter Island’s history, populated by characters vaguely similar to those...
07.10.2024 Around the Island Jenifer’s Shelter Island Journal: Do you believe in ferry tales? Capistrano has its swallows; La Jolla, Calif. has its Soupfin sharks; and Shelter Island its ospreys, but in the “iconic returns” department, there appears to be a new, on-Island...
06.08.2024 Editorial Editorial: A Shelter Island Summer “Almost heaven, West Virginia,” John Denver sang, leading us to believe that he probably never experienced Shelter Island in the summer. It gets hot, surrounded by salt water and...