Gender neutral school bathroom policy on deck

The Shelter Island Board of Education offered a first reading of a policy Monday evening creating gender neutral single occupancy bathrooms at the school.
The policy is in line, officials said, with creating and maintaining an inclusive educational and work environment.
If the policy is adopted it would designate all single-occupancy bathroom facilities as gender neutral for use by no more than one occupant at a time or for family or assisted use.
Graduation plans
With the COVID-19 pandemic last spring, school officials went out of their way to implement special activities around the graduation of the class of 2020.
Some that proved popular last spring are likely to be included this time with some new “surprises” for the graduates, Superintendent Brian Doelger, Ed.D. announced.
He will be speaking to parents of graduates about timing of the graduation ceremony and activities for the senior class members.
In other business, the Board of Education:
• Thanked Greg Nissen for offering his services without charge in water system testing through his Mermaid of Mattituck company.
• Appointed Frank Kestler as a substitute teacher retroactive to March 1 at the rate of $110 per day.
• Appointed Stephanie Clark as a substitute aide for the current school year at the rate of $95 per day.
• Approved five teachers — Claire Geehreng, Janine Mahoney, Devon Treharne, James Theinert and Michele Yirce — to provide home instruction services at the rate of $71.44 per hour. Ms. Mahoney was approved for up to nine hours of home instructions; Ms. Geehreng, Ms. Treharne and Mr. Theinert were approved for up to six hours; and Ms. Yirce for up to three hours of home instruction.
• Approved an unpaid childcare leave of absence for Maggie Manarel, a literacy education teacher for kindergarten through grade six grade, from April 19 through May 3 with the period credited toward her allowance under the Family and Medical Leave Act. In line with that leave, the Board amended a previous approval of a leave replacement for Ms. Manarel for Erin Farley who would work through May 3 at a salary of $66,581 prorated to $20,608.