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Shelter Island Reporter Letters to the Editor: Jan. 9, 2025


To the Editor:

I read the Dock Code Reporter article and watched the Public Hearing to understand why only negative comments were reported. Although many spoke against it, former WMAC Chair Needham stated support of numerous revised code provisions: banning splashboards/lifts; prohibiting docks in areas not conducive to boarding boats in all weather conditions; rejecting variances, unless extreme extenuating/specific circumstances exist.

Others supported that there are areas where docks should not be built; the Town has the power to regulate this and require notification; local control is needed since the DEC is lacking.

Objections to the revised code that focus on waterfront owners’ rights, Town interference and reduced costs ignore community rights and safety issues that need to be included, at a minimum. For example, the Town Board was recently compelled to approve a dock, denied by WMAC, as a result of prior variances and fear of litigation resulting from an inadequate code.

During that hearing, the Board had to ignore evidence that an adjacent dock, which was granted a variance, contributed to erosion and destroyed beach stairs/jetty.

The proposed dock was for stargazing/fishing, activities easily accomplished on land/beach. Not considered was maintaining vista and assuring swimmers/kayakers had unfettered access without having to navigate around 100’-125’ docks into boat traffic. 

After approving that request, a dock moratorium was instituted. WMAC members went to work to craft a tighter code.  All members had the opportunity to oppose specific code revisions during drafting, before the revision was presented to the Town.

Misleading and inaccurate statements, especially those pertaining to a dock on unimproved land, do a grave disservice to and discourage volunteers, as does incomplete meeting reporting.  

Together let’s revise the code to protect Shelter Islanders from the negative impact of ill-advised approvals and potential costly litigation.

BOBBIE LANE, Shelter Island


To the Editor:

It seems that the Reporter viewed a different Dock Code amendment hearing on 12/16 than others did. The front-page article published on 12/19 cast all public comments but one in a completely negative light. It failed to mention the other supporting comments that were made at the hearing verbally and in writing.

Not mentioned were the numerous items in former WMAC chairman John Needham’s letter, which he read at the hearing, supporting many of the provisions included in the amendment. They include:

• 125’ maximum dock length on outside waters.

• A ban on boat lifts and splash boards (the amendment only discourages splash boards).

• Docks not to be built in areas not conducive to boarding boats in all weather conditions.

• Not granting relief to code provisions unless extreme extenuating and specific circumstances exist.

• Not permitting relief, when granted, to be used as a precedent.

Also not mentioned was Bert Waife’s support of the idea that there are areas where docks should not be built and that the Town Board has the power to decide where docks may be constructed.

Tim Purtell also provided a letter and spoke in favor of the concepts of “unsuitability;” denying splash boards; providing notification; and providing environmental oversight especially due to lax DEC involvement.

Finally, Danny Hochman sent a letter to the Town Board following the prior hearing stating his support of the amendment and discussing regrets from Town officials for permitting a dock in his area which has caused damage.

The article also did not mention the false and therefore slanderous allegations made against me and another WMAC member by an attendee. They will be addressed in the proper forum.

Such one-sided reporting misleads the public and does a disservice to the hard work of Town volunteers.

BILL GERAGHTY, Chairman, Waterways Management Advisory Council