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Shelter Island Police Department blotter: Jan. 21, 2025

Those named in arrest reports or receiving police summonses have not been convicted of a crime. In court, the charges against them may be reduced or withdrawn or the defendants may be found not guilty.


Jorge Santos Alvizures of Greenport was ticketed on Jan. 12 for cellphone use while driving, on South Ferry Road.

David Jimenez Pacheco of Calverton received three summonses on Winthrop Road on Jan. 13, for driving without a license or insurance and with a suspended or revoked registration.

James Casale of Shelter Island was ticketed on Manwaring Road on Jan. 13 for no/inadequate lights.


Jordan Tarlow of Shelter Island was operating a vehicle on North Ferry Road on Jan. 14 when it was struck by a deer. Damage was estimated to exceed $1,000.

On Jan. 15, Karen Springer of Shelter Island was traveling northeast in a parking lot at 13 Winthrop Road when she stopped and began backing up in a southwest direction.  Her vehicle struck a backhoe operated by Douglas Keys of Greenport that was moving in a northeast direction. Mr. Keys stated that the backhoe was 4-5 feet behind the car when it began backing. Ms. Springer said she did not see the backhoe. There were no injuries; damage was estimated to exceed $1,000.


Distracted driving enforcement was conducted in the Center and West Neck on Jan. 10 and in the Heights on Jan. 12 with no violations observed. Radar enforcement was conducted in Cartwright on Jan. 13 with no violations observed. In response to a request for information on Jan. 10 regarding rules for slow moving vehicles, an officer provided a person seeking to operate a backhoe on a roadway a copy of Agricultural Equipment Vehicle Requirements for Legal Operation on New York State Roads. In response to a complaint in West Neck on Jan. 10 about a fence damaged during debris removal on neighboring property, police agreed to advise the neighbor to remain on their own property. An affidavit of trespass was provided to a person on Jan. 11 in response to a request arising from a dispute.

A paddleboard found floating in Silver Beach on Jan. 12 was transported to the Shelter Island Police Department impound. Police responded to a report of a person possibly conducting suspicious activity in Menantic on Jan. 13; the person was a caretaker on the property. Police responded to an active domestic dispute in West Neck on Jan. 14.

On Jan. 15 and 16, police conducted traffic stops of the School’s Driver Education vehicle for instructional purposes. A financial crime investigation was opened in the Center on the 15th.

A possible electrical issue at a Ram Island residence was investigated on the 15th and no problems found. Police notified the Island Highway Departments of snow-covered roads and icy conditions on Jan. 16.

In other reports: Police conducted school crossing duty; assisted with funeral traffic; performed foot patrol for the boys basketball game; enabled entry for an owner into a locked vehicle; responded to a downed wire and pole on fire and notified PSEG; returned found wallets; reported a broken sprinkler head for repair; responded to a 911 call with no emergency observed; conducted well-being checks; and advised Optimum of low-hanging wires.


On Jan. 9, the Animal Control Officer (ACO) assisted with the search for a missing dog, which returned on its own, in Silver Beach. An injured deer in West Neck was dispatched on Jan. 10 and the Highway Department notified for removal. On Jan. 12, the ACO retrieved a dead opossum that had been reported as an injured raccoon in

West Neck. A dog reported at large in Harbor View on Jan. 13 had returned by the ACO’s arrival. On the 14th, the ACO retrieved an injured squirrel from the Center and transported it to a wildlife rehabilitator.


On Jan. 14, police responded to a report of smoke in a Center residence and evacuated residents. The Shelter Island Fire Department was on the scene, determined the cause to be blowback from an oil burner and ventilated the building. A medical pendant alarm activated on Jan. 14 was determined to be accidental. A burglar alarm activation in Hay Beach on Jan. 14 was determined to be accidental. An alarm in West Neck was investigated on Jan. 15. A door was open and no criminal activity observed at the residence; the alarm was reset at the owner’s request. An alarm at a commercial building in the Center was set off accidentally by cleaning personnel on the 15th.


Shelter Island Emergency Medical Services (EMS) responded to a case on Jan. 11 and transported the patient to Southampton Hospital. On Jan. 14, EMS responded to a case, who refused transport and was taken to Southampton Hospital in a personal vehicle. South Ferry personnel were advised of the refusal of emergency transport. On Jan. 12 EMS responded to a case and transported the patient to Eastern Long Island Hospital.