Shelter Island Police Department blotter, March 29, 2022

Those named in arrest reports or receiving police summonses have not been convicted of a crime. In court, the charges against them may be reduced or withdrawn or the defendants may be found not guilty.
Erick A. Morales Rodriguez of Bay Shore was driving on Manwaring Road on March 24 when he was stopped by police and given a summons for operating a vehicle with inadequate or no brake lights. He received a second ticket for driving an uninspected vehicle.
Shanroy K. Powell of Bridgeport, Conn. received two tickets on March 24 on West Neck Road for failure to stop at a stop sign and then for aggravated unlicensed operation in the 3rd degree. He had two suspensions in New York State and one in Connecticut.
On March 26, Theresa M. Capoziello of Shelter Island was given a summons on North Ferry Road for driving an uninspected vehicle.
Clara D. Rivera De Tojil of Greenport was ticketed on North Ferry Road on March 27 for driving with a non-transparent front windshield.
Police conducted 20 distracted driving, radar enforcement and traffic stops in the Center, Heights and Menantic on March 21 through 24 and March 26 and 27, resulting in 12 warnings and six tickets.
Other reports
On March 22, a caller reported that while she was outside the Heights Post Office, she saw a man inside his pickup truck looking at a machete. An officer advised her that a machete was a tool and as long as he was not brandishing it in a threatening manner, he was permitted to have it.
An officer responded to a residential alarm in the Heights on March 22. Both the front and rear sliding doors were closed but not locked. The interior of the house was searched and there were no signs of any criminal activity. A dog was seen walking about freely — a probable cause for the hallway alarm to be activated.
An injured employee was reported in the Center on March 23; a supervisor advised the employee to seek medical attention for the injury.
A passing motorist reported anonymously on the 23rd that a door was open at a Center residence.
Responding officers searched the home, found no evidence of criminal activity and secured the door. The owner was notified.
On the same day, a caller reported that a person had been the victim of a fraud scam where a financial loss was incurred. The caller was advised to remain in contact with the Chicago police since the incident occurred within their jurisdiction.
An injured deer was reported on a trail in the Center on March 24. An officer put the deer down.
A complainant told police on March 25 that there were two abandoned boats at a Town landing in Silver Beach. An officer responded and determined that the boats were on private property owned by the Silver Beach Association.
A barking dog was reported on March 25 in Hay Beach. An animal control officer (ACO) heard the dog and contacted the owner who was off-Island. The dog had left the residence through a dog door that the owner had forgotten to close. The ACO put the dog inside at the owner’s request.
Also on the 25th, a caller told police about hearing an alarm at a neighbor’s house. An officer found an old smoke detector, laying on a chair, in the screened-in porch. The battery was removed.
An officer on patrol in the Heights saw a vehicle with its parking lights on in the driveway. The owner was informed to turn them off.
A Shelter Island police officer and sergeant assisted the East Hampton Town police with St. Patrick’s Day parade detail in Montauk on March 27.
An injured raccoon in the Center was reported on March 27; the animal was put down.
In a number of other incidents: police fingerprinted three residents for identity and employment purposes; performed school crossing duty on 10 occasions; delivered an order of protection; responded to a false 911 call; jumpstarted a vehicle; conducted two well-being checks; and taught a DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) class at the Shelter Island School.
Aided cases
Shelter Island Emergency Medical Services teams transported an injured person to Klenawicus Field on March 21 for a medevac by Suffolk County Police helicopter to Stony Brook University Hospital. EMS teams also transported patients to Southampton Hospital on March 24 and to Eastern Long Island Hospital on March 27.
Medical assistance was refused on two calls on March 24 and 26.