09.23.2024 Announcements Social Security Planning for Shelter Islanders Many people find planning to claim their Social Security benefits to be a bit confusing. In the Friday Night Dialogue on Sept. 27, Thomas McCann will help to guide...
09.18.2024 Around the Island Moonwalk in Mashomack A group of sure-footed people gathered at the Mashomack visitor center on Sunday night, with a single purpose. After sunset, and long after the trails closed for the day,...
08.25.2024 Education New science teacher at Shelter Island School: Meet Morgan Callahan It’s been a summer to remember for Morgan Callahan. In May she graduated from Stony Brook University with a Masters in Arts of Teaching. She then received her New...
08.18.2024 Around the Island Joanne Sherman’s column: The snarks of August I’m standing alongside a baked-goods vendor at the farmer’s market. I won’t say which vendor so that I don’t embarrass the players in this drama — not the perps,...
05.11.2024 Around the Island Fancy-feathered birds delighting the East End Among the local cardinals calling “purty-purty-purty” and the “cheerily-cheerily” of resident robins, springtime also brings the bird songs of warblers, tanagers and other species migrating through the area. Early...