01.25.2025 Letters Shelter Island Reporter Letters to the Editor: Jan. 25, 2025 HALLELUJAH! To the Editor: To all our dear choristers and all attending the 2025 Messiah Sing at the Presbyterian Church, in honor of Jack Monaghan, on behalf of the...
01.08.2025 News Changes coming to North Ferry line: Aim is to relieve traffic on Greenport streets Drivers lining up to board the North Ferry in Greenport have recently experienced changes that will continue until work is completed to relieve Village roads from heavy traffic at...
10.10.2024 News/Government Residents pack Shelter Island Town Hall on Dock code debate After months of work by members of the Waterways Management Advisory Council (WMAC) and input from the Town Board, Monday night’s public hearing on changes to the dock code...
09.09.2024 News Shelter Island wishes bon voyage to Pharmacy owner/manager For new hires at the Shelter Island Heights Pharmacy, Greg Ofrias, co-owner and manager for nearly three-and-a-half decades, would offer a bit of counseling for working in a Pharmacy...
08.08.2024 Letters Shelter Island Reporter Letters To The Editor: Aug. 8, 2024 TOTAL AGREEMENT To the Editor: I could have written two of the Aug. 1 Letters to the Editor myself, word for word. One from Maury Laspia on the Recycling...