Shelter Island Egg hunts and baby animals: Easter events bring family fun

The pent-up energy of the rainy week before Easter was released in joyous bursts as families gathered in lively springtime events over the holiday weekend.
The windmill at Sylvester Manor Educational Farm was the setting on Friday, March 29, when youngsters and parents were introduced to the farm’s newest residents: piglets, ducklings and chicks.
Under bright blue skies, the air was filled with laughter as the fields were the scene of an egg hunt, egg tossing and bunny hopping sack races.

Saturday, March 30, saw St. Gabriel’s Meadow come to life, as youngsters from ages 1 to 8 scrambled to collect brightly colored Easter eggs as part of the Shelter Island Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary annual event.

Apart from the fun and excitement as they were cheered on by their parents, some of the hunters bagged prizes, awarded to boys and girls who grabbed the most eggs in each age group.

An added bonus in an event hosted by the Fire Department Auxiliary, the fire truck on the scene to sound its siren at the start of each hunt also welcomed young future firefighters climbing aboard, on a day to celebrate being part of the Island community.