Around the Island

Silent auction to benefit
 OLOI church programs

‘Courtyard,’ a 24” by 36” oil painting by Nidia D’Alessandro.

“Courtyard,” an original oil painting by Island artist Nidia D’Alessandro, will be one of several items included in a silent auction at Our Lady of the Isle’s Cocktail Social to be held on Saturday, November 28 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the home of Michael Morris and Yoshiko Sato, 55 Gardiner’s Bay Drive.

Proceeds from the auction of the painting, donated by AnnaMarie Rampmaier, will benefit the Caring Ministry of Outreach, which provides help for any member of the Shelter Island community who is in need. Sealed bids will also be accepted prior to the event; the minimum bid is $500.

The Cocktail Social, in addition to raising funds for all the church’s programs, including the Outreach program, will honor Jean Tuthill for her more than 50 years of volunteer service to Our Lady of the Isle.

Tickets for the social cost $35 and can be obtained by calling the parish office at 749-0001. Other items that will be up for silent auction include a catered dinner for 10 and a week at a villa in Tuscany.