Choir Sunday at Union Chapel

Union Chapel will be alive with the sound of music for Choir Sunday, July 28, at 10:30 a.m. Singers of all ages, regardless of skill or experience, are invited to join this joyous chorus to sing “O Come and Sing to the Lord” by Milburn Price. Singers will rehearse on Saturday, July 27 at 10 a.m. at the Chapel. This popular service is always a favorite, when community members get together to sing an inspirational hymn.
Chapel Music Director Linda Betjeman created Choir Sunday and the Chapel Community Choir in 1995 as an experiment, when she invited friends from her New York City chorus, “Amici Cantante” to come out for the weekend. She put an ad in the paper and the “Miracle Choir” was born — a miracle, she said, because the singers rehearse for an hour and a half the day before and sing the next day. “Over the years, both professional and non-professional singers have come together once a summer to enjoy the experience of making beautiful music in the beautiful space of Union Chapel,” she said.
Fr. Peter DeSanctis from Our Lady of the Isle Catholic Church will preach about “Teach Your Family and Friends to Sing Together.”
Fr. Peter is a familiar presence around the Island. He’s been associated with Our Lady of the Isle in various capacities since the 1970s and has been pastor for 13 years. He is the son of Peter and Gloria DeSanctis.
He is an attending chaplain at both Southampton and Eastern Long Island/Stony Brook Hospitals and Our Lady of the Hamptons Regional Catholic School. On the Island, Fr. Peter is an active volunteer, assisting the Shelter Island School Athletic Department, and is a member of the Fire Department, the American Legion and the Lions Club. Fr. Peter also sits on the EMS Board.
Join us for Choir Sunday on July 28 at 10:30 a.m. — even if you don’t sing. And if you do sing, come to the rehearsal on July 27 at 10 a.m. The service will be indoors, followed by an outdoor reception, catered by STARS CAFÉ.
Next week: Garden Club Memorial Sunday, Pastor Tom MacLeod of North Fork Methodist Church will preach. Music will be performed by cellist Jeannie Woelker.