WELCOME to the Shelter Island Reporter’s new website!
More than a makeover, this website is redesigned to bring you morestories, photos, interaction … more Shelter Island. And we’rejust getting started – new features and functions will be added tothe site during this free trial period. Online readers will havefull access to all content on this site at no charge until January7, 2010, when users will be invited to start or re-register theironline subscriptions.
Here are some tips for finding your way around the new site:
– The regular features you look for in the Reporter -Osprey’s Nest, the police blotter, Street Talk, letters and more -can be selected from the menu at the left or through the blue”News” tab at the top.
– For the latest news of the week, including briefs onevents occurring after this week’s Reporter went to press, checkthe “Latest News” box, in the upper right.
– All the week’s sports stories can be viewed byselecting “Sports News” under the blue “Sports” tab above. Checkthe bottom of the home page for this week’s featured sports storyand access to Shelter Island sports info at SuffolkSports.com.
– A forum for community happenings and your opinions, theReporter is also your local government watchdog. See a featuredstory from each of these areas – Around the Island, Opinion andGovernment – in the center of the homepage.
– The site gives you easy access to the week’s legalnotices, listed in the “News” tab above or the navigation menu tothe left.
– “Marketplace” takes you to listings of Islandbusinesses as well as weekly classified ads.
– You can post a comment on any story or become partof the website by uploading your own Island photos and videos. Todo so, create a free user account by clicking on the “Login” iconat the top of the homepage.
– Start an online discussion on the “Message Board”under the “Connects” tab above.
– It’s easy to submit a letter to the editor throughthe website. Choose “Write the Editor” at the bottom of thehomepage or under the “Connect” tab.
– A comprehensive Island calendar is in the works. A listingof the current week’s Island events is found under the “Calendar”tab; from the “Calendar Events” page, choose the green”Search”button. Click on any event for details. Soon you will be able topost your not-for-profit Island event directly into thecalendar.
– Use the site’s search engine to research recent newstopics. Current Reporter subscribers may continue to searcharchived issues through the Times/Review website.
– To read our digital edition, a PDF of this week’sReporter, select “Digitial Edition” under the “News” tab.
As this new website evolves, there will be bumps along the way. Letus know about any problems or suggestions you have by shooting usan email (select “Contact us”).
No matter “Where in the World” you are, you can connect withShelter Island and enjoy all of the stories and photos in thisweek’s Reporter.