
Mens bowling: Let the playoffs begin

And here we go into the playoffs — the table is once again set following the final position round. Five teams remained in contention, right to the end with the final week determining their fate.

The week began with the top two teams facing off. While the Holy Rollers had the number one spot sewn up, the Dory Terminators needed points to keep themselves in the playoffs.

The Terms got the 7-point win, but this still wasn’t enough to guarantee a spot. For the Terms BJ Volenski rolled the high series of the week of 509, giving him 65 pins over his average. BJ also rolled the high game of the week of 210. I hope he has all of his import papers in order to come to the Island or there might be a disqualification. The Terms rolled the second-high team series of 2943.

For the Rollers, Harry “Hammer” Brigham also rolled 65 pins over average in his series, including a 170 game. The Rollers rolled the third-high series of 2930 along with the second-high game of 1063. Last week I believe I misquoted Mike Loriz. It was the Hammer who appeared to bowl like a mad German. Mike said that he is sometimes referred to as a cue ball placed on a body. This all sounds more plausible. And for the record Mike still ist kein bowler.

The Under Achievers came out fighting in the first game against the Pharmaceuticals, rolling the high team game of 1089. George Bailey rolled a 170 his first game. The Pharms now had their backs against the wall and needed to take the next two games. They did so, but unfortunately the Unders high team series of 2980 kept the Pharms to a 6-point win. Was it enough to make the playoffs? Friday night results will tell.

Friday started with the Thunderballs going against Louie’s Clippers, who had the opportunity to become the spoilers. Sadly only two Clips showed up. The Clippers now are known as Louie’s bus drivers as they basically threw the Pharms under the bus. The TBalls came away with an 8-point win, tying them with the Pharms. Bob Reylek rolled the second-high series of 496.

For the bus drivers Kevin Lechmanski never gave up, rolling the third-high series of 493, which included the third-high game of 185. In case of a tie, the tie-breaker is the head-to-head competition during the year. It appears that the TBalls own the Pharms this year as they took 25 out of 33 points. Keith, it also looks like you might have to wait a few more weeks to go yachting with Tom Ritzier. That is if he’s out of dry dock in any near future.

The two bottom teams fought late Friday to stay out of the basement. In the end the Misfits got the 8-point win, once again putting the Legionnaires in the basement. It didn’t matter to Nicki Ryan where his team stood as he ended his season honorably by rolling the second-high game of 206. Rolling 85 pins over his average, he earned Bowler of the Week honors.

The playoffs start with the Terms going against the TBalls. The Holy Rollers have the first week bye. Good. It looks like they can use the rest. Remember, keep it clean: no spitting, kicking or gouging. We’ll be watching you, BJ.

Week 24 Team Standings

Team Won Lost Pct.

Holy Rollers 154.0 110.0 .583

Dory Terminators 144.5 119.5 .547

Thunderballs 142.0 122.0 .538

Pharmaceuticals 142.0 122.0 .538

Under Achievers 139.5 124.5 .528

Louie’s Clippers 123.0 141.0 .466

Misfits 107.0 157.0 .405

Legionnaires 104.0 160.0 .394