
Mens Bowling: Ward wins high series, Krietz walks away with week’s honors

The Thunderballs and Holy Rollers started off the week with the TBalls  taking the 7-point win. The TBalls rolled the high team series of 2974. Andrew Ward rolled the high series of the week of 502, rolling 88 pins over his average. The Rollers rolled the second-high team series of 2950 and high game of 1013. Harry Brigham, with his 172, put the hammer down, rolling 49 pins over his average.

The Under Achievers stuck it to the Misfits this week, taking all 11 points. The Achievers rolled the third-high series of 2945 and second-high game of 1006. Finding Tom Krietz in the archives of old bowlers, Tom rolled 99 pins over his average and earned Bowler of the Week honors. Mike Goodleaf rolled the third-high game of 185. George Bailey is starting off the year well, leading in the Most Improved Bowler race, rolling 35 pins over last year.

Louie’s Clippers squeaked past the Legionnaires with a 7-pin win. Jim Gibbs Jr. lead the way for his team, rolling the high game of 200. Jim also rolled the second-high series of 492. Kevin Lechmanski rolled the third-high series of 467. For the ‘Naires Mike Roesch was outdone by Jim by a mere 1 pin, rolling a 199. Mike Loriz rolled 93 pins over his average.

The week ended with the Pharmaceuticals taking an 8-point win over the Dory Terminators. Stan Beckwith picked up the 5-7 split. Mike Reiter did the sharp-shooting that night, not only picking up the 5-7 split, but also the 5-8-10 split.


Week 3 Standings

Team Won Lost Pct.

Thunderballs 23 10 .697

Dory Terminators 21 12 .636

Under Achievers 19 14 .576

Holy Rollers 19 14 .576

Louie’s Clippers 17 16 .515

Pharmaceuticals 14 19 .424

Misfits 12 21 .363

Legionnaires 7 26 .212