
Mens Bowling: Brewer rolls 226: year’s high game

The week started off with Louie’s Clippers going up against the second-place Dory Terminators. With their 8-point win, the Clips move ahead of the Terms into that second-place slot. Despite Louie’s dismal bowling that night, the Clips rolled the high team series of 3062, which included the high team game of 1128. Both scores are high for the year so far.

Taking his team by the hand was Rob Brewer, rolling the high game for the week — and for the year to date — of 226. He also rolled the third-high series for the week of 489, rolling 84 pins over his average.  Jim Gibbs Jr. rolled the second-high series of 498. The Terms rolled the second-high team game of 1008.

Looking for an easy win against the last-place Legionnaires, the Pharmaceuticals managed to only take the 7-point win. After receiving a beating the first two games, Mike Loriz for some unknown reason was seen putting his head in the ball cleaning machine. It became apparent in the third game that he had put a 4-minute shine on his dome. The reflection from the lights blinded his opponents. They won the third game, which was also was the high game. They tied the Terms for the second-high game. The Pharms rolled the second-high series of 2976. Not proud of my scores, I managed to roll 77 pins over my series average.

Without the presence of Harry  “The Hammer,” the Holy Rollers remained silent in their match. Not that the Misfits bowled out of their shoes, but they managed to get the 8-point win. For Mike Mitchell, I must remind him that the SICC is closed for the year, so save that 91 score for the course next year.

The Thunderballs remain in first place with their 6-point win over the Under Achievers. In their win, Kevin Barry rolled the second-high game of 201. The Unders’ Mike Goodleaf rolled the high series of 506. Someone better put Tom Kretz back into moth balls. Once again he had a good night at bowling. Tom rolled the third high game of 190. With his sandbagging average, he rolled 92 pins over his series average, earning him Bowler of the Week honors. The Unders rolled the third-high team series of 2885.


Week 4 Standings

Team W L PCT.

Thunderballs 29 15 .659

Louie’s Clippers 25 19 .636

Dory Terminators 24 20 .546

Under Achievers 24 20 .546

Holy Rollers 22 22 .500

Pharmaceuticals 21 23 .477

Misfits 20 24 .454

Legionnaires 11 33 .250