
Featured letter: No boundaries

COURTESY PHOTO | Anya DuVivier, right, at 21 with her mother, Roxanne, celebrating Mother’s Day together, 16 years after Anya was adopted from a Russian orphanage.

To the Editor:

As Anya DuVivier’s father I would like to add several comments to the wonderful article appearing in the Reporter’s issue of February 28 (“From Russia to Love.”) https://shelterislandreporter.thetimesreview.wpengine.com/2013/02/19108/from-russia-to-love-one-girls-long-journey-home-to-the-island/

When Anya left the orphanage hand-in-hand with her new mother she whispered in a heartfelt way, “I have been waiting for you every day of my life. Why did it take you so long to find me?” I still get tears in my eyes when I think of this.

Tears not for Anya, but for the millions of children in orphanages watching and waiting for a mother to find them — but that mother never comes.

Perhaps we can cause more mothers to find them if we write to the Russian Embassy declaring that we should know no boundaries of geography, politics nor culture when it comes to the welfare and future of children.

Shelter Island