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Shelter Island Reporter Letters to the Editor: April 25, 2024


To the Editor:

The Senior Center would like to thank everyone who participated in the BE(RE)LOVED Vintage Clothing Sale and Fashion Show held last Saturday, April 20, 2024. 

Not only was the show enjoyable, it provided all an opportunity to purchase some beautiful clothing at bargain prices; to the Center some finances to complete our “Cozy Corner;” and an early chance to celebrate an Earth Day recycling project.

Led by some amazing planners, Phyllis McGorry and family, Abby and Fred Dress, Lucy Brown and so many more, this year’s theme carried everyone through the 50s to today with toe-tapping music and dance. 

Their models displayed not only their beauty, but their dancing skills as well. It was quite a day! Can’t wait for next year.

LAURIE FANELLI, Shelter Island Senior Center


To the Editor:

The new Town Board is currently in direct opposition to the experts who agreed that the Bowditch Road gate at the Highway Department is unsafe for anything other than an emergency exit.

Why are they undoing the hard work of the Town Board from 2004? The Board of 2004 hired experts and engaged in multiple town meetings to create a well-thought-out agreement for the terms of use of the highway building. The agreement created a buffer zone from Highway Department operations to maintain safety and quality of life for the residents and all who travel on Bowditch Road.

The buffer zone was destroyed at the beginning of this year. Vegetation was gutted, the emergency gate is being used as a main entrance, and a massive industrial-style sign was planted in our neighborhood.

It was enlightening to find out that this abrupt change of use occurred not to solve a problem, but rather to create a new aesthetic. One person wants to access the office of the highway building differently, and is willing to disregard the 20-year agreement.

The fact that this Town Board would prioritize one person’s desires for a new aesthetic over the health and well-being of the citizens they are elected to serve makes the situation particularly more egregious.

The Board is abandoning the people they are supposed to protect. They are dishonoring those who have given their lives in service to this community. We will not let them do it in secrecy and silence.

This misstep of governance can be easily rectified and should be in light of the evidence we have discussed over the last few months. Our requests remain the same: Reinstate and enforce the agreement. Remove the sign. Replant the vegetation, and return safety to the neighborhood. To get in touch with us, email [email protected] 

K.D. HURST & ROB GORCOFF, Shelter Island